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How marketing is related to IP industry

Today, companies are looking to get closer to the end customer in order to establish a connection between the products sold and him, to retain him and to obviously generate a higher revenue. Depending on the positioning and the targeted audience, every company builds a marketing strategy that will support its sales policy in the […]Learn More

Sell-off agreement, a solution for a brand registration fail

Wide known fact: When an owner has a pending trademark application is entitled to market goods and services bearing the brand that is still to be registered. However, he can meet the situation in which the registration could not go smoothly. For instance, if conflicts are arising with earlier marks, then the brand might not […]Learn More

Transliteration of a brand in Chinese

As the largest economy in the world and with the largest population, China is a very attractive market for foreign companies, but it is not easy to enter there.Learn More

How do you establish the initial owner of a work?

It should seem normal to presume that the author of a work is the person that wrote the respective work. Isn’t so? Not so fast. There are situations when particular standards are needed to determine how the ownership applies.Learn More

How to protect a brand in the Middle East

For sure, when the case, everyone wants to protect their intellectual property and brand wherever they are located. In some parts of the world this process may be really hard.Learn More

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