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INTA Annual Meeting 2024

INTA Annual Meeting is approaching swiftly!  Our agenda is quickly filling up, and we’re excited about connecting with fellow members and colleagues of the intellectual property community, learning from industry experts, and exploring the marvels of this extraordinary city. Present in Atlanta on our behalf: If you’re interested in connecting with us at INTA, please […]Learn More

Trademark dispute over the Rummy game wooden box

We have recently engaged in a legal dispute involving a prominent company known for its innovative 3D wooden logic games. The core of the matter revolved around our client’s rights to use a wooden box as packaging for the game of Rummy. Despite the existence of a patent entered in the public domain for this […]Learn More

NFTs and Copyright Protection

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital assets, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a groundbreaking technology, revolutionizing the way we perceive and protect copyright. To begin with, NFTs represent unique, indivisible digital assets that are stored on blockchain technology, providing an immutable and transparent ledger of ownership. This innovation has profound implications for copyright […]Learn More

Safeguarding abbreviations in intellectual property

Abbreviations are more often used in establishing brand identity and distinguishing entities within intellectual property law. Nonetheless, certain abbreviations enjoy legal protection under specific legislation, such as the Swiss Federal Act on the Protection of Names and Emblems, which safeguards designations affiliated with intergovernmental organizations like the United Nations. Notably, abbreviations like FIDA, UNICEF, WIPO, […]Learn More

A guide for technology startups in navigating the intellectual property landscape

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of technology startups, innovation is the lifeblood that drives companies forward. Intellectual property plays a key role in safeguarding these innovations, providing startups with a competitive edge, and protecting their unique ideas from infringement. Technology startups often deal with various forms of intellectual property, each serving a distinct purpose. […]Learn More

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