About Us

Professional Swiss company
specialising in Intellectual
Property law

2009 - Paul Cosmovici is establishing his practice, following a legal and long‑standing tradition in his family;
2011 - Cosmovici Intellectual Property is setting the headquarter in Geneva;
2012 - The company starts to represent large clients and to manage sophisticated IP portfolios, having clients across Europe, USA, and Asia;
Present - We continue to build a relationship with our clients based on trust, loyalty and respect.

About Us

What is real
is not
external form.
Constantin Brâncuși, Romanian sculptor

Work with us

We want you to be successful.

Specialised in the field of intellectual property, we offer a full‑spectrum of results‑driven services – ranging from the acquisition and maintenance of intellectual property rights to their enforcement and defence in cases of infringement. Legal assistance is provided both during contract negotiations and proceedings and before the competent authorities or courts of law.

We respect your time.

Don’t worry if your business is international. We will take care of coordinating all the work and report directly to you. In addition to usual global registration commitments, we undertake the management of important IP portfolios of international clients. We also regularly engage in various IP related mandates, such as verifying and evaluating IP rights, negotiating and drafting licenses, assignment and coexistence agreements, and registering other allied agreements with the appropriate authorities. We regularly undertake due diligence examinations pertaining to M&A transactions.

We respect your business objectives.

Helping our clients implement their strategies and accomplish their objectives effectively and seamlessly is our main goal. We offer counsel to bank institutions, international corporations, publicly and privately held companies. While collaborating with our clients, we structure sophisticated domestic, cross‑border transactions and financial operations, providing innovative solutions in complex litigation and international arbitrations. We also advise small and medium‑sized companies, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

We understand your concerns.

What differentiates us from other law firms is evidenced in the degree of attention to the needs of our clients and a deep understanding of their specific concerns. We treat every issue with the most particular care, regardless of the matter which we face.

We see the unseen.

Sometimes, our clients bring in “simple” issues to our attention; however, we know that in a globalised context, what appears simple on the surface may involve several related issues, requiring expertise in very different fields. This is why we make it a point to unfold client concerns and identify all possible legal implications, including the least obvious ones.

We want you to make the best decisions for your business.

Our experience stems from a deep knowledge of the international IP legal system and jurisprudence, including cases as well as institutional best practices and interpretation of the regulations. We keep our feet firmly on the ground and practice our services driven by our mission to serve the interests of our clients.
Our firm combines cutting‑edge skills with a vast body of experience that empowers it to navigate the field of intellectual property even during challenging times. We take pride in our expertise in structuring sophisticated transactions, our global view, and familiarity with foreign jurisdictions, and our preparation in representing clients across various transactional and litigation matters including patents, trademarks, designs, copyright, Internet, software, domain names, antitrust, counterfeiting, trade secrets, know‑how, privacy and data protection.

We take a multi‑disciplinary approach.

Our clients often seek advice on business and legal matters involving a gamut of issues and necessitate a multi‑disciplinary approach. As a philosophy, we avoid taking a rigid, departmental approach in order to address the specific requirements of our clients’ projects. Our teams are created in a manner that helps us combine the in‑depth knowledge of specific issues with the general overview of the project.

Our global reach

We share a global view on every legal issue that we deal with, and we ensure valuable practice when facing complex situations. Our team of lawyers has been working in several practice areas and interacting with electronic infrastructures, thus delivering the best, fastest, and efficient solution to even the most peculiar problem they must deal with.

Our experience is built on a deep knowledge of the international intellectual property legal system and jurisprudence, including cases and institutional customary practice and interpretation of the rules and regulations pertaining to foreign legal systems. We also understand the core commercial and particular concerns of our clients, which often are linked to and built upon the personalities and visions of specific people and entities.

We represent not only corporate companies and major businesses but also start‑ups and medium‑sized companies. Consequently, we endeavour to help all our clients implement their strategies and achieve their objectives. We cooperate on a daily basis with people in charge of different management levels, both overseas and across several continents.

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