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Rebrand for a Romanian bank

Currently, in Romania, we provide consultancy to a reputable banking company in a rebranding process. The goal is to achieve increase its popularity among customers. As part of a company’s marketing strategy, the rebranding process can be very complex and long lasting. It requires a lot of research and its deployment involves many resources, hence […]Learn More

IP theft from China or just bare allegations

The war between US and China seems to be everlasting. Both use every opportunity, no matter the field, to place doubt on the opposite side. In this respect, the IP industry can be served as example. The billions it generates are a solid reason to try to protect your intellectual property by any means. Lately, […]Learn More

Registering a domain name in Canada

We recently finalized the procedure of recovering a domain name, for a fresh chocolate Suisse producer. Every country has its specific legislation and requirements to be complied with in order to achieve the above-mentioned transfer. Firstly, we helped our client to obtain the respective Canadian domain name from its previous owner. We negotiated with the […]Learn More

Social media can help protect your intellectual property rights

The social media component is today necessary in developing and promoting a business marketing strategy. The presence on these channels gradually leads to increasing the popularity of the respective businesses among as many people as possible. And this can serve not only in terms of sales, but also to protect your brand if the situation […]Learn More

Assisting a pharma lab in court

Starting with 2016, we are representing a reputable French pharmaceutical laboratory in some files / procedures that overlook the way in which clinical trials are being carried out in Romania. These studies impact both the local and the European medical community. For this reason, the courts in Romania, where our client operates these studies, want […]Learn More

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