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How Google can become your worst enemy

When talking about where and how you use a trademark, Google can either be your worst enemy or your best friend. As follows, there are three major ways of using trademarks as far as the Google policy goes: keywords, in an ad copy, or in the display URL. For example, you can use a trademark […]Learn More

Great news for coffee lovers!

We provided support for our client, a distinguished coffee supplier, in extending its business in European Union and United States by proceeding with the registration of its brand in the mentioned territories. The official procedure was conducted in front of the USPTO (United States Patents and Trademarks Office) and EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office).Learn More

Knowing the value of your brand in 3 easy steps

When talking about a well-known brand, we need to bring into question 3 major aspects: a good branding strategy, customer loyalty and great communication skills. The first one comes with knowing your brand values, rights and obligations and this is where the intellectual property field comes into play. Brand value is an essential tool for […]Learn More

The success of protecting the Swiss domain

We succeeded in safeguarding an important Japanese domain name for a well-known Swiss chocolatier. Even though Japanese regulations prevent any companies that do not have national presence from registering a Japanese domain name, we managed to provide our Client with a solution that both safeguarded the domain name from being purchased by potential infringers and […]Learn More

.ch domain name successful recovery

We managed to add an important .ch domain name to our client’s portfolio, a well-known Swiss chocolatier. We notified the former owner of the domain name (there were many indications that it were dealing with cyber squatting). After negotiations, we managed to transfer the domain name into the client’s portfolio, in a short time and […]Learn More

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