How patents promote innovation


If we ask an economist how to open a can of soup, the answer will be: assume a can opener. The definition of innovation states that in order to be innovative, you must remain relevant and own the ability of generating useful ideas for people.

A study conducted in 2006 by French economists François Leveque and Yann Meniere revealed that 88% of US, European, and Japanese companies rely on information disclosed in patents to track the progress of technology and direct their own R&D efforts. As we live in a world where we can acquire rights over any invention, inventors are free to promote their ideas widely to maximize the revenue derived from marketing their ideas to the public. Protection is afforded by the patent system, representing an important stimulus in the case of exchange of technical information.

One important industry in which the role of creativity is highlighted and genuinely appreciated is smart-tech. Without constant efforts from those technology owners licensed and cross-licensed, we would not enjoy the advantages of today’s technology, particularly in regard to telephony, electronics, computing, and software.

Scientists have demonstrated countless times that inventors are motivated by the expectation of taking advantage of the rights of their inventions. Ordinary people tend to be stimulated by long-term commitments to inventive activity.

Another field in which creativity and patents play a major role is economics. Not only are patents able to help economic growth, they promote innovation and are some of the most efficient tools employed in the process of knowledge exchange and technology transfer that could ever be created otherwise.

In short, patents have a strong long-term correlation with innovation and knowledge exchange in various fields, especially in the field of economic growth.

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