Knowing the value of your brand in 3 easy steps


When talking about a well-known brand, we need to bring into question 3 major aspects: a good branding strategy, customer loyalty and great communication skills. The first one comes with knowing your brand values, rights and obligations and this is where the intellectual property field comes into play.

Brand value is an essential tool for the future of the company. Without knowing what you want to bring to the table, or what your clients want from you, the idea of having a valuable brand is out of the question. The lifespan of a brand should be indefinite, which means that from the moment when it is conceived, there should be a solid foundation on which it is built. Thus, the work of an IP specialist needs to be taken into consideration and is of great importance.

For starters, as a trademark owner, you should work with a representative in the intellectual property to safeguard your rights. If you have a powerful start, your trademark rights will enable your company to protect the brand as a whole and therefore its product names and logos. The end goal is that all your work regarding the creation and the sustainability of your brand will stand the test of time.

Secondly, in order to have a practical value of your trademark, your rights need to be properly registered and maintained. Doing so, you can be aware of your rights, of what you own and what your business offers in terms of market share. Yet again, in order to prevent the infringement of your brand, your rights would be better enforced by asking for professional help.

Last but not least, having a detailed IP portfolio overview, you can be aware of any potential errors or changes that might occur. You can thus resolve all your issues, internal or external, immediately.

To conclude, the work of an IP specialist is strongly attached to your brand values, rights and obligations, as you may encounter different problems over time. The services of an IP specialist range from the acquisition and maintenance of intellectual property rights to their enforcement and defence in cases of infringement.



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