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The humanisation process of the robots

We may not like it, but technology plays an increasingly dominant role in our daily lives. The onus is on us to keep abreast of technological developments and their potential implications for our personal and professional lives. Let us take the field of intellectual property and artificial intelligence as an example. If you run a […]Learn More

Trademark infringement prevented

Since our Client, a start-up in the derma-cosmetics industry, is currently facing multiple attempts of infringement, we are assisting them in the process of filing for protection of their different IP assets and in eliminating these infringement instances worldwide. The whole procedure consisted of filling a copyright application at INPI in order to obtain protection […]Learn More

Artificial Intelligence on cuisine field

We assisted our Client (a Swiss company dedicated to the cross-sector promotion of the economy in canton Valais) and prepared a personalised strategy to register a new mark for its innovative and unique product – a robot that learned how to make traditional Swiss raclette using the artificial intelligence.Learn More

New trademark filled for a delicateness and luxury restaurant

We prepared for our Client, a new promising player in the delicateness and luxury restaurants sector, a customised strategy for trademark filing, per its needs and took all the necessary steps for protecting its brand and develop its business in the territories of interest. The whole procedure was held in front of the European Union […]Learn More

The rebranding process from a legal perspective

Over the years, many large corporations have resorted to implementing a major rebranding process, either because they had to update the brand they represent today, or because they no longer identified themselves with their current brand. The brand image is an extremely powerful tool, which can dictate a company’s success or lead to its anonymity. […]Learn More

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