Intellectual Property Offices – updates on COVID-19


UKIPO, EPO, EUIPO and USPTO announced the latest decisions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of them will remain open, and just a few of them are making extensions in terms of deadlines.


If you are in the situation where you need an extension, due to the pandemic, UKIPO will remain open and mentioned that measures will be taken regarding the extension of time for each case if needed. At the same time, the office mentions that if any entity does not believe it can meet a certain deadline, it should be contacted as soon as possible.


All the routine official action deadlines have been extended by the EPO, deadlines that fall between March 16 and April 17, 2020. Some deadlines, however, are an exception to this decision, such as: the deadline for submitting a divided application. During this time, the office will continue to work on current terms and will handle any response that will be needed.


EUIPO has extended all the deadlines it sets, which will run from March 9 to April 30. They will continue to work on normal terms and will handle all additional responses. If there are any questions regarding any term, they can be contacted for possible confirmation.


USPTO announces that all offices will be closed from March 16 until a further notice, stating that the attention to the health and safety of the public and employees is their top priority. Therefore, the only ones who will be able to enter the institution will be those with access badges. The deadlines for filing patent and trademark applications and other terms will not be extended, therefore.

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