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Balancing innovation and access. The ethics of intellectual property in medicine and healthcare

Intellectual property is playing a significant role in the pharmaceutical industry for decades, encouraging innovation by granting exclusive rights to the creators of new drugs and medical technologies. However, questions about the ethics of IP in medicine and healthcare have become more persistent, particularly considering the COVID-19 pandemic. How can be balanced the need for […]Learn More

The significance of intellectual property in safeguarding innovations for European businesses

Intellectual property has become an increasingly important asset for businesses of all sizes. Especially but not only in Europe, innovation is highly valued, thus protecting intellectual property has become a key factor in maintaining a competitive edge. Protecting intellectual property is crucial for businesses that want to secure their competitive advantage. By obtaining full rights […]Learn More

The era of AI, its evolution and protection from an intellectual property perspective

Introduction in the AI era The era of artificial intelligence began in the 1950s with the development of the first electronic computers. Researchers at that time explored the idea of creating machines that could think and learn like humans. This led to the development of early AI tools which were designed to solve mathematical and […]Learn More

INTA 2023 Annual Meeting Live+ in Singapore (May 16 to May 20)

We are delighted to announce that Cosmovici Intellectual Property will be participating at the  INTA 2023 Annual Meeting Live in Singapore from May 16 to May 20. Our firm will be represented by Paul Cosmovici (Managing Partner), Alexandru Lepadatu (Senior Associate), Anamaria Nichifor (Associate) and Mirela Bratosin (Junior Associate). We are really looking forward to personally meet again with our colleagues […]Learn More

The Manipulation of Images, as Personal Data, by Facebook – a Case Study for Ethical Approach

Are you familiar with Meta’s terms & conditions and how they manipulate and use your personal data? In the below article we will focus on a narrow aspect of Facebook’s recent rebranding to Meta and how it relates to the use of images on their platform. While there is extensive literature on the ethical standards […]Learn More

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