Some trademarks are protected by their own fame Do you know that kind of trademark which is practically protected by its fame? Generally speaking, for a trademark to benefit from protection it has to be registered (for example, in Switzerland marks are registered with the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property). Like any rule, this […]Learn More
Tradition is part of an entity development and is good to keep some things unaltered, but when the time comes the need to adapt to the new trends will make the difference.Learn More
For sure, when the case, everyone wants to protect their intellectual property and brand wherever they are located. In some parts of the world this process may be really hard.Learn More
It should seem normal to presume that the author of a work is the person that wrote the respective work. Isn’t so? Not so fast. There are situations when particular standards are needed to determine how the ownership applies.Learn More
As the largest economy in the world and with the largest population, China is a very attractive market for foreign companies, but it is not easy to enter there.Learn More