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Auditory Trademark, a Branding Tool

Every business seeks recognition through a distinctive element that would help them attain a superior position in their consumers’ mind. Such a distinctive element can take the form of a sound which can be complex, such as the sounds produced by different musical instruments, or a simple sound, such as mechanical sounds. Whether the sound […]Learn More

Do graphic characters have a life of their own?

Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, James Bond and so on are represented either graphically or via more standard fiction forms i.e., in novels or films. The differentiating element between these two types of character is manifested by their respective manner of representation: if presented as a drawing, it is “graphic character”; if the character emerges from […]Learn More

Protecting the core-brand, the most important step from an IP point of view

Recently, we have assisted our Client, a corporate advisory and investment firm focused on the lower-mid market, in finding the best option for protecting their core-brand, by searching the proposed denomination. Such a procedure aims to identify potential risks and suggesting a tailored filing strategy adapted as per the pre-existent similar trademarks. Additionally, we have […]Learn More

Why you should take into consideration the protection of your trademark?

We have recently assisted our client, a key player in the field of intelligent software platforms in terms of metal automation, in the process of filing a trademark in the United States. Such a procedure aims to ensure that the brand is identified by the products and services of a particular company, making it different […]Learn More

Fluid Trademarks – an abstraction from regulations

Fluid trademarks describe a new way of approaching branding: changing brands over time in a way that contradicts the traditional paradigm. It has been argued that brands should be characterized by a static appearance that does not see a change in the words and symbols used by the brand. This is because potential consumers may […]Learn More

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