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Readying your brand for your local area

An early part of the brand development process includes researching your competitors and comparing your brand against theirs. It’s possible that your business and its accompanying intellectual property share striking similarities to other brands in your industry, and these are important to consider when it comes to standing out within your field. When you’ve completed […]Learn More

The similarity between a croissant and a sandwich? The name itself

Lately, we have been working on a new case so that both the commercial name of a croissant and a sandwich can coexist without legal implications. In this sense, we witnessed the negotiation and conclusion of a coexistence agreement for the two brands. Our client, from the Bakery and confectionery industry, received a coexistence agreement […]Learn More

Covid 19 and its effects on Intellectual Property

Our colleague, Ana Rotariu, is sharing her experience regarding the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic over businesses and their IP. Interested to know how has this outbreak affected companies worldwide? It is safe to say we are all experiencing challenging times, especially when it comes to businesses, either big or small. Even as countries and […]Learn More

Why your technology startup needs Intellectual Property Protection

The field of intellectual property protection is important for all industries and all sectors. In this article we address the implications of intellectual property protection for technology startups. The challenges for technology startups Your startup may face a number of challenges. The most significant of these are: Product development; Recruiting expert professionals with the necessary […]Learn More

Infringement outbreak in the online area

Given the current virus outbreak that has taken over most European businesses, our Client’s sales have mostly been directed online. Thus, they recently became aware of a third party that has thoroughly copied not only their website, but also their overall branding image (color schemes, layouts, text positioning, imaging, presentation and even semantics). We are […]Learn More

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