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Intellectual Property after Brexit era

The new regime imposed by Britain’s exit from the European Union comes with a number of implications from several viewpoints. Even if, from a theoretical viewpoint, the United Kingdom left the European Union on January 31, 2020, a withdrawal agreement worked throughout the year so that all these processes could have a constant pace of […]Learn More

Santa Claus. Who owns it?

Nothing better-known, and also more mysterious than Santa Claus – the character and the suite of constructions of the imaginary that are associated with it. All the serious research and analysis dedicated to it attests to the fact that it is a ” tradition invented” gradually, a complex creation based on an old and new […]Learn More

2021 comes with good news

We have started the year 2021 with some good news! We have recently completed the process that will allow us from now on to expand our practice in Norway. As a result, we received our first registration certificates for some clothing brands in this country. Isn’t that great?  Learn More

The Secret of the Tradesecrets

The most mysterious form of intellectual property is the trade secret. A trade secret consists of any type of information that has economic value. Trade secrets can include business practices, recipes, models and formulae. Information classified as a trade secret is not made known to the general public. Its value lies in its confidential characteristics. […]Learn More

Successful online take-downs

Recently, we have been working a very interesting project, one in which we regularly proceed with online take-downs of various infringing information, for a large company operating in the disinfectant industry. The whole procedure takes place on both online marketplaces and social media platforms. Given our high success rate with this particular project, we’ve managed […]Learn More

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