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Great news for coffee lovers!

We provided support for our client, a distinguished coffee supplier, in extending its business in European Union and United States by proceeding with the registration of its brand in the mentioned territories. The official procedure was conducted in front of the USPTO (United States Patents and Trademarks Office) and EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office).Learn More

How Google can become your worst enemy

When talking about where and how you use a trademark, Google can either be your worst enemy or your best friend. As follows, there are three major ways of using trademarks as far as the Google policy goes: keywords, in an ad copy, or in the display URL. For example, you can use a trademark […]Learn More

Trademark initially refused, now accepted

Another special case we have worked on lately is the one in which we have assisted our client in overcoming a refusal issued by EUIPO against our client’s trademark representing the name of a famous sport competition which will be hosted next year in Switzerland. The examiner claimed as a main ground of refusal the […]Learn More

How patents promote innovation

If we ask an economist how to open a can of soup, the answer will be: assume a can opener. The definition of innovation states that in order to be innovative, you must remain relevant and own the ability of generating useful ideas for people. A study conducted in 2006 by French economists François Leveque […]Learn More

Success registered for Swiss sport enthusiasts

We have successfully assisted our Client, a Canton of Switzerland, in protecting the name of a famous annual sport competition event that is going to be hosted next year in Switzerland, more precisely in their Canton. The official procedure was conducted in front of IGE – Swiss Intellectual Property Office and EUIPO – European Union […]Learn More

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