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The Contribution of Intellectual Property to the Economic Arena

Several studies have analysed the way that intellectual property rights have contributed to economic development within the European Union (EU). These studies highlight the importance of policies aimed at raising public awareness of intellectual property. According to the findings of these research papers, measures such as trademarks, designs, patents, copyrighting and geographical indications make an […]Learn More

Cease and desist letter- checked

With the help of a cease and desist letter, we managed to negotiate with the owner of a new trademark regarding the waiver of this, in order to protect our client’s trademark portfolio. This kind of letter is made in order to stop certain actions setted up in deadlines. The whole procedure took place between […]Learn More

How can we support the development of the neurological industry?

Thanks to our client, the neurology product research and development industry continues to grow. In this sense, we have managed to obtain the registration of an innovative method in the neurological medical technology industry. The entire process has been examined and accepted by the European Patent Office. We are more than happy to see the […]Learn More

Website Functionality and Layout

For businesses that operate online, maintaining a website that’s informative, easy to use, and free of any intellectual property right infringement is extremely important. After all, the value of many online businesses is affected by two main factors: turnover/profit, and the value of the intellectual property rights it owns or controls. There are a number […]Learn More

Stay hydrated, we take care of your IP assets

Our Client, a major player in the water supply industry, developed a new model of water tank and we have successfully prepared the adequate strategy for protecting it from several points of view, assuring in such way a complete protection of the brand, shape and copyright. We have advised on the best strategy and assisted […]Learn More

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