We are looking for a Junior Associate – legal advisor / lawyer



·       training as a counsel, with at least 2 years of experience in the legal field, ideally in the area of ​​intellectual property;

·       writing skills and coherence in argumentation, accuracy in solving various legal problems;

·       structured, efficient thinking and developed skills for prioritizing daily tasks within the legal deadlines;

·       organizational skills, communication (in team and with clients), team spirit and flexibility;

·       customer orientation and its needs and efficiency in building personalized legal strategies;

·       long-term ability to concentrate in multiple projects;

·       ideally experienced in preparing and drafting legal opinions;

·       knowledge of English is absolutely necessary;

·       knowledge of German and / or French is an important advantage;

·       excellent management of the MS Office suite;



Company specialized in the field of intellectual property, we offer a position of Junior Associate, within the legal department, with main attributions related to:

·       preparation, drafting and online submission of various national and international applications, specific to the field;

·       preparation and drafting of various legal documents (contracts, notifications, oppositions, appeals, etc.);

·       drafting legal opinions and legal research (jurisprudence; analysis of legislation from different international jurisdictions etc.);

·       preparing strategies according to clients’ needs;

·       management of intellectual property portfolios, by monitoring deadlines and fulfilling various specific tasks (submission of applications, customer information, electronic archiving of documents, setting new deadlines, etc.);

·       daily updating of the internal database in accordance with the evolution of the files;

·       maintaining correspondence with customers.



Our company specializes in intellectual property. We offer a full range of specialized services, from the acquisition and maintenance of intellectual property rights, to their implementation and defense in case they are infringed. We provide legal assistance during the negotiation of contracts and related procedures, as well as before the competent authorities and courts.

Interested candidates are asked to send their CV to: office@cosmovici-ip.com.

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