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Brand Mascots: The Secret Weapon for Unforgettable Branding and Consumer Loyalty

In a digital landscape overflowing with brands vying for attention, the most successful ones know a secret: emotions drive engagement. And nothing sparks emotion quite like a memorable mascot. Mascots are more than just quirky brand symbols—they are storytelling powerhouses, marketing goldmines, and legally protected assets that create lasting consumer relationships. A perfect example? The […]Learn More

Empowering Innovation: How Intellectual Property Bolsters Business Resilience

In the rapidly changing business world, intellectual property (IP) is not just a legal necessity but a strategic asset that drives innovation and competitive advantage. As we navigate post-pandemic recovery and anticipate future disruptions, understanding the role of IP in fostering a culture of innovation is crucial for businesses aiming to stay ahead. Cultivating a […]Learn More

The Role of Intellectual Property in Safeguarding AI Innovation and Data Security

The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as those used by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), has ushered in a transformative era. AI is automating tasks, enhancing decision-making, and enabling data-driven strategies. However, this technological advancement has significant challenges, particularly concerning data protection and intellectual property (IP). As AI integrates into more business […]Learn More

PATUSIN vs. PLANTUSIN: A Landmark Victory in Trademark Dispute

In the complex and highly competitive realm of intellectual property (IP), protecting trademarks is crucial for safeguarding one’s brand identity and reputation. In a recent significant case, our client, a prominent pharmaceutical company, successfully defended their European Union trademark (EUTM) for PATUSIN against a challenge from a Romanian tea manufacturer. This case highlights the importance […]Learn More

Fantasy Sports and Intellectual Property: Legal Implications in the Digital Age

Fantasy sports have revolutionized fan engagement, offering enthusiasts the opportunity to create virtual teams and predict real-world outcomes based on player performances. While the industry thrives on innovation and connectivity, it also intersects with complex intellectual property (IP) considerations. As fantasy sports platforms continue to expand, they increasingly face challenges related to the use of […]Learn More

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