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Safeguarding abbreviations in intellectual property

Abbreviations are more often used in establishing brand identity and distinguishing entities within intellectual property law. Nonetheless, certain abbreviations enjoy legal protection under specific legislation, such as the Swiss Federal Act on the Protection of Names and Emblems, which safeguards designations affiliated with intergovernmental organizations like the United Nations. Notably, abbreviations like FIDA, UNICEF, WIPO, […]Learn More

A guide for technology startups in navigating the intellectual property landscape

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of technology startups, innovation is the lifeblood that drives companies forward. Intellectual property plays a key role in safeguarding these innovations, providing startups with a competitive edge, and protecting their unique ideas from infringement. Technology startups often deal with various forms of intellectual property, each serving a distinct purpose. […]Learn More

The United States unveils expungement & reexamination proceedings

In the world of intellectual property, ensuring that registered trademarks are actively used in commerce is essential. Trademark owners must regularly demonstrate that their marks are actively in use for the goods and services they’re registered for. However, the process of enforcing these requirements is evolving, thanks to new ex parte expungement and reexamination proceedings […]Learn More

Why AI-generated artworks can’t be copyrighted?

The field of artificial intelligence has witnessed a remarkable evolution in recent years, with AI-generated artworks captivating the imagination of both artists and audiences alike. However, the question of whether AI-generated artworks can be copyrighted presents a complex and controversial challenge. As technology continues to blur the lines between human creativity and machine-generated output, the […]Learn More

Navigating the importance of IP strategy in the tech industry

In the fast-paced and dynamic landscape of the tech industry, the power of innovation cannot be overstated. For young entrepreneurs and start-ups, choosing the right business idea is just the beginning of a thrilling journey. Along with the excitement, it’s crucial to recognize the significance of IP strategy. In the below article, we’ll explore more […]Learn More

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