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World’s Largest Trademark Gathering Gets Underway in Boston, Massachusetts

With more than 11,100 brand owners, trademark practitioners, and other intellectual property (IP) professionals from 150+ countries around the world have gathered between May 18 and May 22 in Boston, Massachusetts for the 2019 Annual Meeting of the International Trademark Association (INTA), to learn, discuss and debate over important topics that impact brands, consumers, as […]Learn More

Cosmovici Intellectual Property at this year’s INTA

A large part of our team has been present at the most important IP-event held this year in Boston, in May 2019. Our colleagues have met several partners and colleagues. They have also negotiated, during face-to-face meetings, key aspects of pending deals in the name of our clients. It was also another year when our […]Learn More

USPTO to use artificial intelligence to combat false trademark use statements

What is the main connection between artificial intelligence and the Patent & Trademark Office? Technological assistance in the IP domain represents a huge step towards making our daily routine more efficient and, at the same time, more effective.   In order to ease the processing and screening of patents, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office […]Learn More

USPTO Law change requires U.S. attorneys to represent foreign trademark applicants

A new rule was formally adopted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office which states that all foreign trademark applicants must be represented by U.S. counsel went into effect on August 3rd 2019. To sum up the new rule, all foreign applicants seeking trademark protection in the U.S. from that date on must be […]Learn More

Chinese domain name dispute resolution services by WIPO

For those unfamiliar with what WIPO stands for, WIPO is the main agency acting on an international level, under which Intellectual Property services, policies and information are developed in a balanced and effective way, helping us bring innovation and creativity into our lives. Even if you are not familiar with the acronym UDRP, you certainly […]Learn More

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