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An approach to the new inventor`s paradigm: can AI really own intellectual property rights?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property (IP) have been in the limelight for a while now and have caused quite a stir, especially since the number of inventions stemming from AI “teaming-up” with researchers rapidly increased in the last decade. The crux of the matter of this ascendent trend is whether AI can own IP […]Learn More

Firm News: Patent reinstatement

We are assisting an international client with a patent revival in multiple territories prior to the patent`s lapse in 2020. The renewal fee deadline was missed due to COVID-19 circumstances and a system error, and in 2021, the error was spotted by the client which has decided to proceed towards reinstating the patent. Our Patents […]Learn More

Can blockchain and intellectual property “waltz” together or will they stumble and fall?

The rise of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology has intricate implications for many industries ranging from finance, healthcare, media, arts, real estate, supply chains and logistics, voting systems and so on. And even though blockchain has been around for a while now, it is only in the past couple of years that it has caught momentum, […]Learn More

Firm News: Trademark registration

We have assisted our client, one of the key market leaders operating in the healthcare sector, with the filing of a European trademark. Our Trademark department assisted throughout the filing process, conducted the availability search and selected the appropriate NICE classes in order to fit their business model.Learn More

Firm News: Trademark assignment

We assisted a Swiss based company operating in the healthcare industry with an EUIPO trademark assignment project. Our Trademark department assisted with the recording of the transferred trademark and all post transaction IP related matters.  Learn More

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