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New case at horizon: generic trademark or not?-

In the coming months we will have a case related to a supposed generic name of a Swiss traditional bread producer’s brand. The problem lies in the refusal of the German office to register that trademark based on the fact that the name of the trademarks is generic. We consider this refusal difficult to understand, […]Learn More

Apple wins iPad trademark dispute

A district court in US has recently ruled in favor of Apple in a trademark dispute with RXD Media over the name ‘iPad’. The issue started in 2012, when RXD Media has claimed it was the first to use the name in its ‘’ platform, established two years before Apple launched on the market its […]Learn More

Assistance of an important Swiss company in the FMCG industry in a patent related case

We represent an important Swiss company in the FMCG industry, in relation to a foreign patent extended to Europe. Our task is to help them in preparing the file able to stop the expansion of the patent to Europe. The difficulty resides in the need to find earlier public documentation, a soft-skill necessary in this […]Learn More

Artificial Intelligence patenting has increased dramatically in the last few years

The owner of the biggest number of AI patent applications, IBM, has a portfolio of 8,290 inventions. They are closely followed by the company Microsoft with 5,930. Both companies have patent registrations and applications from various fields and covering many techniques, thus proving that they are not limited to a specific industry. The other top […]Learn More

IP due-diligence in the name of a famous US investment-fund

Among our recent large mandates, we are proud to count the IP due-diligence performed in the name of a famous US investment-fund, who just bought a network of private clinics in Eastern-Europe. The focus is not only on the brand itself, but also on additional good-will which can be captured through several assets including websites, […]Learn More

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