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Firm News: Patent Filings

We are assisting our Client, a leading player in the battery manufacturing industry, with the entry in the national phase of their patent application, in Germany and the UK, claiming priority of a PCT Patent Application. As part of our assistance, our Patents Department has prepared all the documentation, handled the translations of the patent […]Learn More

Protecting trade secrets: from a competitive edge to business survival

Coca-Cola`s recipe is secret. Google’s search algorithm is secret. KFC’s 11 Herbs and Spices recipe is secret. The New York Times Bestseller List criteria for what qualifies a book for a bestseller is secret. WD-40`s formula is secret. Besides the secrecy behind their products, what they all have in common, is that their businesses are […]Learn More

Firm News: Trademark opposition

We have successfully assisted our Client, a major Swiss producer of sports equipment and accessories, with the research and the drafting of a legal opinion on the trademark opposition procedure. Based on our legal approach, we have successfully obtained a favorable decision, as the Applicant has voluntarily withdrawn its trademark and the opposition has also […]Learn More

Firm News: Advertising assistance

We have successfully assisted our Client, one of the automotive industry leaders, to overcome certain allegations regarding a TV-commercial advertising of their new vehicle model. We have prepared the entire documentation necessary to overcome the refusal and we have also assisted the Client before the national Advertising Council. We successfully proved that there was not […]Learn More

Firm News: Trademark cancellation

We have successfully assisted our Client, a top player in the Tobacco industry, in cancelling a prior trademark registered in bad faith in a territory in whose market the Client was interested in and in which the trademark was not registered. We have prepared the entire case documentation and we gathered all the necessary evidence […]Learn More

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