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Dispute Resolution Service for domain names

How can you deal with the circumstances when you learn that another entity is using a domain name either identical or similar to your trademark? The answer is amazingly simple. WIPO (the World Intellectual Property Office) offers a popular top-level domain dispute resolution service called UDRP (the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy) who address […]Learn More

Trademarks and the Metaverse

The influence of Metaverse The metaverse is an immersive, virtual environment where users can engage with each other and digital content in real-time. It is a concept that has been around for years, but with advancements in technology, it is becoming more feasible and could potentially revolutionize the way we interact with each other and […]Learn More

Industrial designs in the age of branding: can your business keep up with the market?

It comes as no surprise that 2022 brought about a fiercer competition on the business market, and with the continuous rise of startups all over the world, product designs can no longer be plain and uninspired, they really need to have that “wow” factor to catch the eye of customers. With that in mind, companies […]Learn More

Firm News: IP strategy and Trademark Filing

We are assisting our Client, an exceedingly promising Swiss tech startup with a focus on the health industry, with the drawing up of an IP strategy and the trademark filing process. Our team is advising the Client in terms of drafting a customized IP strategy in order to match the brand building and business expansion […]Learn More

Firm News: Patent Filings

We are assisting our Client, a leading player in the battery manufacturing industry, with the entry in the national phase of their patent application, in Germany and the UK, claiming priority of a PCT Patent Application. As part of our assistance, our Patents Department has prepared all the documentation, handled the translations of the patent […]Learn More

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