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China express concerns over the USA approach in the IP field

These days, the war between the great powers does not go to the battlefield anymore, but is rather taken through the mask of diplomacy. Hidden behind the words, countries found at the helm of the world are using less and less subtle means to attack each other, making use of unexploited areas until recently.   […]Learn More

What can you do when another business wants to use your trademark

Situations can vary. We have already expressed our opinion in other materials on how we proceed when the trademark our customer wishes to register is already in use on the market. But what happens when the customer is the one that owns the trademark that a competitor wishes to register for the marketed products? The […]Learn More

China strengthens its IP field by reaching new records

Statistics show that the year 2017 saw a record global growth in demand for services in the field of intellectual property. This growth is strongly supported by the Chinese market, which recorded the largest increases in patent, trademark, industrial design and other intellectual property rights underlying the global economy. China’s status, as one of the […]Learn More

Trademarks registration in Canada

Since last November, we are handling the case of a chocolate and sweets Swiss manufacturer who wants to register two brands in Canada in order to enter and sell its’ company products on the local market. Following the filing of the trademark applications, we have been notified by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) that […]Learn More

Tech battle of the decade: Apple vs. Qualcomm on IP rights

The IP industry often generates and manages conflicts between smaller or larger companies willing to defend their intellectual property rights and everything related to them. Thus, wars are born that can stretch over prolonged periods of time, especially when giant companies, with powerful financial resources, that operate in several jurisdictions are involved. A relevant case […]Learn More

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