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Through similarity we found the difference

Lately, we’ve been working on a case which has proven to be quite difficult. After receiving a refusal for one of the trademarks we administer, because of the similarity to a previous trademark, we have still managed to pass the mark towards publication by pointing out certain aspects such as: the existence of a very […]Learn More

Class down, trademark up

Between August and September 2020, we faced a fairly common issue in the world of intellectual property. We have identified a similar trademark to that of one of our clients. The next step was contacting and starting the negotiation procedure with the opposing party in order to waive the protection of one of the classes, […]Learn More

Registration criteria for slogans

Although many famous slogans enjoy incredible success, many others face the barrier of not being able to be registered. What could be the main reason why a short series of words cannot be registered? What is the definition of a slogan? Before finding out the reasons why certain slogans cannot be registered, we need to […]Learn More

Readying your brand to go abroad

The internet’s boundless borders have paved the way for small businesses to become international. Businesses that operate online also maintain multiple platforms of operation, including a website and social media accounts, and thereby increasing visibility and access to both consumers and potential brand abusers alike. Having brand protection that spans borders and countries is becoming […]Learn More

The link between tea and religion? Trademark

Lately, we have worked on a refusal notice to help our client, a key player in the tea and agricultural products industry, in terms of preparing a strategy to get a trademark registered. In this regard, we are currently looking for arguments and trying to prove that the term underlying the name of this business […]Learn More

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