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The principles of non-conventional brands

It is no secret anymore that large companies tend to use complex product strategies, develop them, and expand into different commercial markets. These strategies also consider the field of intellectual property and the subsequent protection of their market share. Brands are distinguishable by their forms and appearances and are well categorized by international state offices. […]Learn More

Coexistence Agreement successfully concluded

Through the trademark watch service performed for our Client, a well-known manufacturer and distributor of goods – wholefoods, organic foods and other natural stuff in FMCG sector, we have identified a very similar trademark filed at the EUIPO, covering similar goods but used in different branches – as an ingredient and not as a final […]Learn More

Why are Geographical indications Important?

A geographical indication refers to the inclusion of a place-of-origin sign on a product. A geographical indication also means that a product will have certain characteristics – or a particular reputation – linked to its place of origin. In addition, the inclusion of a geographical indication suggests that the product has a certain quality.  Learn More

Successful Trademark Registration

Recently, we have been working on a new case in which we have managed to get a trademark registered in Switzerland. The whole procedure lasted only four days as we have applied for the accelerated examination. Thanks to the advice given to the Client, his trademark passed and was registered without any incidents.Learn More

Photograph Protection in the Social Media Era

Photographs are a must-have tool for businesses in the creative industries. To generate an impact on social media, it is essential for an individual or organisation to have a significant visual presence. It is well-known that a picture says more than a thousand words. Moreover, a good picture – published at the right time – […]Learn More

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