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The NFT “gold rush” in a copyright “Wild West”

  NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) have taken the world by storm, being the talk of the cryptoverse for quite a while. According to an analytics platform, NFT trading volume hit an all-time record during Q3 reaching $10.67 billion, with a staggering 700% growth from the previous quarter, whilst during Q1 sales were of $1.2 billion and […]Learn More

Firm News: Trademark infringement

We are assisting a European market leader manufacturer of dermato-cosmetics products developed in France, in a trademark infringement case. Following our active monitoring of Client’s brand, we have identified that a third party has filed for a trademark identical to that of our client, copying the logo and colors and, in order to protect the […]Learn More

What you need to know about registering your mobile app`s name on the Apple App Store and trademark protection

We live in the “app age” where there is an app for literally everything. Mobile apps had and still have a transformative role in our day-to-day lives, making it easier to access services and goods from the comfort of our home, with just a simple tap. As a matter of fact, as of September 2021, […]Learn More

Firm News: Trademark opposition

We are assisting our client, an important Swiss manufacturer of beauty and skin-care medical products, in defending the exclusive rights over their core brand, registered in multiple worldwide jurisdictions. Two similar trademarks have been identified in Japan, an important territory for our client’s business. Prior to repeated unsuccessful attempts to amicably solve the case, we […]Learn More

Business cautionary tales – lessons on what to avoid when acquiring intellectual property assets

Technology has rapidly and intricately developed, becoming the catchword behind many successful businesses and the driving force behind intellectual property (IP) portfolios transactions including trademarks, patents, copyrights, domain names and trade secrets. Many start-ups have been bought by business angels, large companies have merged or acquired other smaller and even large businesses. So, it cannot […]Learn More

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