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Trademark infringement prevented

Since our Client, a start-up in the derma-cosmetics industry, is currently facing multiple attempts of infringement, we are assisting them in the process of filing for protection of their different IP assets and in eliminating these infringement instances worldwide. The whole procedure consisted of filling a copyright application at INPI in order to obtain protection […]Learn More

The humanisation process of the robots

We may not like it, but technology plays an increasingly dominant role in our daily lives. The onus is on us to keep abreast of technological developments and their potential implications for our personal and professional lives. Let us take the field of intellectual property and artificial intelligence as an example. If you run a […]Learn More

Happy toys for happy children

We have assisted our Client, a manufacturer of wooden toys, in the process of preparing the most suitable trademark filing strategy. We applied at EUIPO for a trademark application in classes 28 and 35 and took all necessary steps for protecting his brand and develop its business in the European Union. The whole procedure was […]Learn More

Intellectual Property Offices – updates on COVID-19

UKIPO, EPO, EUIPO and USPTO announced the latest decisions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of them will remain open, and just a few of them are making extensions in terms of deadlines. UKIPO If you are in the situation where you need an extension, due to the pandemic, UKIPO will remain open and mentioned that […]Learn More

How to protect new online businesses and other IP challenges

The field of intellectual property, as important as it may be, is more often than not looked over by the entities that carry out their activity in the field of e-commerce. The reason why intellectual property is crucial for the field of e-commerce, is because by the sale of products and services, generally have important […]Learn More

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