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Intellectual Property Assets – Christmas Edition

At Christmas we are all wrapped up in our best thoughts, intending on making good deeds. We forget – for a few moments – about the little worries in life, taking a step back to analyse the year that will end soon. We encounter interesting IP trivia each year. One example is represented by carols […]Learn More

Negotiation in progress could mean a settled case

Our ongoing case in which we represent our client, an important pharma player, in the negotiations with a German producer of nutritional supplements, we have successfully obtained for our Client an agreement allowing both parties to coexist. At the present time we are negotiating particular elements of the agreement’s implementation.Learn More

Pirated online content against the new Swiss copyright law

As of recently, Switzerland is trying to sort all of their copyrighting problems out by bringing intellectual property protection into the digital era. This initiative aims to promote the elimination of the country from a list of copyright protection watchlist in the United States. This new adopted law is focused on hosting providers with the […]Learn More

Another success registered for sports lovers

We have assisted our client in overcoming a refusal issued by EUIPO against our client’s trademark representing the name of a famous sport competition which will be hosted next year in Switzerland. The examiner claimed as a main ground of refusal the lack of trademark distinctiveness. However, we have succeeding in obtaining the registration of […]Learn More

Why is the field of intellectual property in close connection with technology?

In today’s modern society the importance of technology is becoming crucial. People are carrying out more and more of their daily activities on electronic devices. We all know that as these technologies evolve, the devices are increasingly present in many areas of our lives. Example of these changes can be observed in products such as […]Learn More

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