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The future of cheese: a debate on the “Gruyere-ness” of the Gruyere cheese

In a recent decision of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, it was ruled that Gruyere cheese does not have to come from the Gruyere region, a canton of Fribourg, Switzerland – where Gruyere cheese has been produced according to the traditional recipe since 1115 –, based on the […]Learn More

Firm News: Copyright infringement

We are assisting our Client, a major Swiss-based manufacturer of dermato-cosmetics, in a copyright infringement case. It has come to out attention that a third party has copied the logo, colors, website content etc. of our Client. In order to protect the exclusive rights and avoid the dilution of the brand`s reputation, our department has […]Learn More

Brands, trademarks and NFTs – challenges faced in the metaverse world

Metaverse, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), cryptocurrency, decentralization, Web 3.0 or Altcoin are all buzzwords that were the talk of the town in 2021. Arguably it was the year in which tech businesses transitioned into a new age that saw the consumer appetite for the metaverse visibly skyrocketing.  With more and more investments into plots of virtual […]Learn More

Firm News: Trademark availability search and IP strategy  

We are assisting an international client specialized in the production of electrical lighting equipment by conducting a trademark name search and drawing up an IP strategy, aligning with the company`s goals. Our Trademark department provided assistance to the Client in terms of conducting a thorough name search and drafted an IP strategy.Learn More

Firm News: Trademark registration

We are assisting a Swiss based eco-friendly cosmetics company with the trademark registration in the US with the USPTO, UK with the IPO, in the EU with EUIPO and Switzerland with the IPI. Our Trademark department assisted throughout the entire filing process, from the availability search to drafting the relevant documents and selecting the appropriate […]Learn More

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