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Patents: the power engine of startups?  

The strongest symbol or the very “crown jewel” of a company is the intellectual property (IP) assets portfolio, with IP law being essential to promoting and protecting innovation, and innovation being key to the business environment and the economy development. Over the past years, IP protection, be it through trademarks, patents, copyrights, design rights or […]Learn More

Firm News: Trademark cancellation

We have assisted our Client, a subsidiary of one of the largest generic pharmaceutical companies in the world, with regards to the trademark cancellation procedures, filed by another very large international pharma company, based on trademark infringement and prior rights claims. Our Trademark department assisted and represented the Client in court, offering assistance with all […]Learn More

The Olympic Games – from celebrating sports to the largest world-known intellectual property rights show

In times like this, the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games came to many, like a breath of fresh air, celebrating the elite of the sports world, the city of Beijing and China, and, in extenso, the whole of Chinese culture. The Olympic Games are spectacular indeed, both for the performance of the Olympians and the […]Learn More

Firm News : Trademark opposition

We have successfully assisted our Client, a major European chain of DIY and home improvement stores, with a trademark opposition, in relation to a mark that dissimulated the domain name. Our Trademark department prepared, analyzed, and drafted the opposition arguments, in order to formally request the National Intellectual Property Office, the dismissal of the trademark […]Learn More

Firm News: Trademark cancellation

We are assisting a major company from the tobacco industry, operating both in Europe and the Middle East, with considerable investments on clinical trials inasmuch as research and development, with a trademark cancellation action based on a third party`s trademark registration in bad faith. Our Trademark department, advised the Client in terms of the strategy, […]Learn More

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