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Can an Artificial Intelligence system have intellectual property rights?

Human intellectual capital continues to impress and delight our imagination. This is how intellectual property systems have been designed to stimulate and encourage the creations of the human mind. And with this encouragement, the technological field developed. However, the question is whether intellectual property rights law is prepared to keep up with the development of […]Learn More

Are the environment and tech industry connected?

Environment and technology could never be more connected! Our client, a start-up in the software industry, managed to develop a software that helps to protect the water, implicitly to protect the environment. We have assisted them with the necessary steps to be taken before filing their trademark at the Swiss Office and ensuring that all […]Learn More

Are Intellectual Property and Marketing Strategies connected?

Most of the time, in a business, each department has its well-established role. However, there are several departments that apparently have absolutely nothing in common with each other from a professional point of view, and among them are: the legal department of a company and the marketing department. It goes without saying that marketing manages […]Learn More

Innovation – the word of the day

Our client, a key player in the Computer Software industry, can be considered the newest and innovative advancement to the online banking, developing a digital bank for Small and Medium Enterprises, with a unique approach to the services offered which are currently poorly served by digital banks and usually refused by traditional banks. In the […]Learn More

Could hashtags be the newest IP asset?

Creativity is, for many of us, the asset most synonymous with development. This quality of the human mind allows us to evolve in all of the processes and activities that each of us undertake every day. But how can we protect our creations? We can protect our IP rights by calling for the help of […]Learn More

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