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How Can Investors Gain Confidence in a Start-Up Business

Have you already passed the ideation phase, and do you want to scale your business, either nationally or even internationally? If so, you need an effective strategy and a well-developed plan in order to attract the attention of investors and to make sure that you are chosen by them. There are a number of rules […]Learn More

Another success registered in the banking industry

Following the oppositions received from an important player in the banking and tech sector against our Client’s trademark (a key player in the banking industry), filed among other countries, also in France and Benelux; we have successfully negotiated an agreement that allowed both parties to coexist under certain conditions. We have succeeded in drawing a […]Learn More

Artisan products and infringement of IP rights. How to discover vulnerabilities and what solutions exist

People’s creativity and inventiveness exceed all expectations. Therefore, the need to protect the full spectrum of creativity takes the form of intellectual property rights. You have to bear in mind the fact that if you want to develop your business, your intellectual property strategy must be aligned with your competitive strategy so that the whole […]Learn More

Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions About IP

What is Intellectual Property? Intellectual Property encompasses any creation of the human mind and how such a creation can be legally protected. Some forms of intellectual property include inventions (patents), literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images and design which are used in commercial activities. What types of businesses need an IP strategy? Whether you […]Learn More

Changing the innovation trends

Recently we have managed to submit at European level (Switzerland being included), a new design, which outlines a specially designed device, namely a Liquid composition dispenser. This will represent, as we believe, a reference point in the field of Sanitary fluid dispensers.Learn More

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