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Firm News: trademark dispute settlement

We have successfully assisted a Swiss-based client operating in the tea and beverage industry, with a trademark dispute regarding the coexistence a similar brand on the UK market. The two brands were being used in quasi-identical fields, our client producing a minerals, vitamin, and collagen enriched tea with dermatological effects, whilst the opponent was producing […]Learn More

Your website, your assets: making the most of IP rights

Ideas can no longer be protected, and that is a fact, but expressions of ideas can and a website is such an expression. Depending on the idea you have, it can fall under the protective mantle of the different types of IP. At a first glance, protecting your intangible assets seems either like a waste […]Learn More

How can caution save your business

What do you do when your Client’s trademark contains a generic prefix or suffix in an industry where the consumers are usually assisted or benefit from an expert opinion in acquiring a product? This is the question usually addressed by applicants when they intend to file a sign as a trademark, especially in the pharmaceutical […]Learn More

How Your Copyright Can Be Stolen

Images and music are protected by copyright – usually up to 70 years after the death of the last co-author. Protection is automatic from the moment the work is carried out, based on the law, in approximately 180 countries it is practically an extension of protection all over the world. The work does not need […]Learn More

What does it mean for us a development business strategy

One of our Clients, from the vegetable products industry, has registered a new trademark in the classes of animal food products, such as vegetables or other edible horticultural products prepared for consumption or preservation. The designated territories were: Croatia, Greece, Ukraine and Bulgaria. The entire procedure took place in front of the national office, recently […]Learn More

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