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The Swissness legislation – or how the Swiss protect the Swissness of the Swiss made products

  Nothing screams Swissness more than a Swiss watch, a Swiss Army knife, Swiss chocolate, or Swiss cheese. They are all stereotypes of course, but they are Swiss and Swiss Made sells. With Switzerland being in top 3 strongest nation brands in the world, products Made in Switzerland have become the epitome of upper quality, […]Learn More

Firm News: Trademark availability

We have assisted a company that deals in the renewable energy sector of Power to Gas (PtG) that converts electrical energy from solar/wind/water turbines power plants into chemical energy, mainly hydrogen peroxide and methane, with the availability research of two trademarks. Our trademark availability research was successful as there were no similar registrations in the […]Learn More

Mobile apps and intellectual property rights  

  If you are old enough to remember the 6110 Nokia, then you have probably played or at least once heard of Snake. “Handwritten” in C language and considered the first-ever mobile app that came out in 1997 as a built-in arcade game, Snake was extremely popular then as it is now. With over 500 […]Learn More

Firm News: Transfer of IP rights

We have assisted a Seoul-based bioengineering company operating as a subsidiary of a global health care group with a transfer of intellectual property rights. Our Patent department has dealt with the transfer of rights of a European Patent registered in the pharma industry. We have drafted the power-of-attorney, the deed of assignment and the specific […]Learn More

Counterfeiting, luxury brands and intellectual property – from pineapples to Patek Philippe

  If back in the day, having on your dinner table a pineapple was the ultimate symbol of luxury and wealth, nowadays owning a Patek Philippe tells the rest of the people cues about who you are, your socio-economic status and so on. Pineapple was a novelty to Europeans and most importantly, it was scarce, […]Learn More

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