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Firm News: Trademark registration

We represented our client, a major European construction company dealing with the 3D printing of buildings for office spaces and apartments, with the trademark registration at EUIPO. The company is one of the very few businesses that were registered under these specific NICE classes. Our Trademark department specifically personalized the NICE classes in order to […]Learn More

(Website) cloning, spoofing, phishing and how cybercriminal activity is challenging intellectual property

We have heard time and time again that the internet has changed everything, from how we communicate, shop, or advertise and that is all true – of course, to an extent. So, for marketing purposes, credibility, visibility on the market and client trust reasons and driven by the growing demand for having an online presence, […]Learn More

Firm News: Trademark likelihood of confusion

We represented our client, a key international player in the computer hardware and software industry, concerning a trademark likelihood of confusion issue. Our Trademark department successfully analysed the likelihood of confusion between our client`s mark and the opponent`s, looking to highlight the improbability of the confusion between the two of them. We based our argument […]Learn More

Intellectual property in a “brave new [M&A] world”

Tangible assets lost ground the moment governments started to enforce quarantine measures and most workforce moved from glass skyscrapers and office buildings to living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms scattered across the world. The pandemic outbreak has seriously disrupted the global supply chains and businesses across various industries and has put into motion a shift towards […]Learn More

Firm News: Domain name registration similarity

We have assisted our client, one of major key players in the Swiss chocolate industry, with the identification of a domain name registration, similar to the name already registered by the client. Our Trademark department took notice of the new similar domain name registered, identical to that of our client, prior to which we placed […]Learn More

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