Which products and services can represent my brand


The protection obtained will depend solely on the products and/or services mentioned in the deposit.

It is up to you to precisely determine the products and/or services for which you want to use your brand. Take the time to formalize your needs.

Sort your products and services

Once you have identified the products and/or services for which you are filing a trademark, you must order them according to the international classification known as “Nice Classification” and, finally, mention them on the trademark registration form.

Indeed, for convenience, the different products and services were organized by classes. For example, clothes belong to class 25. You can use the international classification labels to designate your products and/or services. You can also use other labels, but they must be precise enough not to cause when reviewing your deposit, a delay or rejection of your application.

Attention: after the deposit, you will not be able to add new products or services. If you forget, you will need to make a new deposit for these missing products and/or services.

According to the American magazine, Forbes, there are 6 key characteristics of a successful brand:

1.      Audience Knowledge

The best brands have a deep understanding of the demographics of their target market, what their interests are and how they communicate. Unless it’s a mega-channel like Wal-Mart, most companies have a specific target audience they’re looking for. Understanding the target market is essential because it directs the tone and reach of a marketing campaign, as well as the overall identity of a brand while helping to create an organic and human connection between a company and its audience.

2.      Uniqueness

Establishing a brand identity requires something distinctive. For example, Apple has become known worldwide for its innovative products and minimalist aesthetics. For service companies, Domino’s Pizza used to guarantee that their pizza would arrive in 30 minutes or it would be free. In terms of point of sale, TOMS shoes give a pair of shoes free to a child in need for each pair of shoes purchased.

3.      Passion

Although it is certainly possible to build a brand in the short term without passion, it is almost impossible to maintain it in the long term. When you look at people who are very successful, like Steve Jobs, they all have a serious passion that drives them to work hard and continually deliver greatness. This passion leads to enthusiasm and genuine joy, which is contagious.

Consumers often become so enthusiastic about a product or service, which leads to word of mouth advertising and referrals. Passion also helps companies to persevere with inevitable setbacks.

4.      Consistency

When consumers return to a business for repeated sales, they generally expect to receive the same level of quality as the first time. Restaurants and their quality of food and service are a good example.

5.       Exposure

Another great part of being recognized as a distinctive and successful brand is the ability to reach consumers across multiple channels. Clearly, large companies have an advantage in getting to know each other because they typically have a larger marketing budget and more existing connections. They can pay for TV ads, appear in world-renowned magazines, and rank highly in the search engine results pages.

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