USPTO to use artificial intelligence to combat false trademark use statements


What is the main connection between artificial intelligence and the Patent & Trademark Office? Technological assistance in the IP domain represents a huge step towards making our daily routine more efficient and, at the same time, more effective.


In order to ease the processing and screening of patents, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office decided to involve technology in this process.


If you are unfamiliar with what USPTO stands for, or how technology is involved in our daily activities, please sit down and let us explain what you need to know about artificial intelligence and false trademark law. Andrei Iancu, Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), declared that technology is “1,000 times faster, 20 times more efficient, and far more stable and less prone to failure”. In other words, even if we don`t want to admit it, we tend to let technology play an important role in our lives and also in our future as a time-saving process.


What’s more, Mr. Iancu pointed out the importance of artificial intelligence on spotting fake or altered proofs of use for trademarks . He has also insisted on working with Congress on legislative updates to the language of Sec. 101 of the U.S. code. A key issue in this matter is making sure that their policies, here including the field of IP, are mainly focused on delivering innovation.


The main task of this whole process consists of creating and adding new guidelines which aim to help the examiners investigate digital images more efficiently.

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