Trademark monitoring- one step ahead of infringements


Nowadays, protecting your business by registering your trademarks and developing an IP portfolio will definitely increase the value of your business. Also known as a trademark monitoring service, or simply Trademark Watch Service, the main objective of this service is to detect any similar trademark request in the publication stage, and to let you know about it.

A correct and complete protection of your brand starts with its registration as a trademark and continues with a proactive monitorization of the competition in order to act against similar or identical registrations which may infringe upon your pre-existing IP rights.

Intellectual property infringement has become a broad and often debated topic among non-professionals, but particularly among specialists in the field. Although the threat of infringement may forego your patent, copyright or industrial design registration, this type of monitoring service is only applicable to trademarks.

Even though there is pride in owning a trademark, it is best to make sure that no one can steal your idea or take its name or identity as inspiration, so we are happy to let you know that there is the possibility to monitor this aspect.

In order to stay up to date on this subject, you can call to get assistance from intellectual property specialists. Their help comes in the form of monitoring the use of your registered trademarks, and when a particular trademark application is similar or, worse, identical to your trademark, they will let you know it’s there. Furthermore, they will advise you on what necessary steps are appropriate, and, if requested, they will take what immediate action may be needed on your behalf.

When discussing trademark monitoring, there are two major types:

–           The first one is represented by the identical trademark watch, meaning that the service is on the lookout for a trademark phonetically or visually identical to yours;

–           The second one is represented by the similar trademark watch, and this one identifies confusingly similar trademarks to the monitored one.

That being said, the service consists of permanent monitoring by dedicated trademark specialists, and regular reports comprised of the most relevant identified results.

To conclude, an early detection of such cases is crucial from several points of view, from being able to oppose such application in due time to helping your company prepare adequate commercial strategies.

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