The era of AI, its evolution and protection from an intellectual property perspective


Introduction in the AI era

The era of artificial intelligence began in the 1950s with the development of the first electronic computers. Researchers at that time explored the idea of creating machines that could think and learn like humans. This led to the development of early AI tools which were designed to solve mathematical and logical problems.

From the 1960s until 2010s, AI technology continued to evolve with the development of new algorithms and approaches, which led to the creation of newly AI tools such as machine learning algorithms, neural networks, and genetic algorithms. All these tools enabling machines to learn and adapt from data, making them more effective of solving complex problems. The emergence of big data and cloud computing enabled the development even deeper learning algorithms and natural language processing systems and had have revolutionized fields such as computer vision, speech recognition, and language translation.

Today, as most of you may know, AI tools such as Chat GPT, Deep AI, and DALL-E 2 are at the forefront of AI innovation. Tools which are using advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to generate creative content and solve complex problems.

Perspectives on IP rights for content created through the use of AI tools

From an intellectual property perspective, the usage of AI tools like Chat GPT raises important questions about the protection of the resulting content. Intellectual property (IP) protection is crucial for defending creations of the mind such as literary and artistic works, inventions, names, and images used in commerce. These legal rights allow creators and owners to control the use and exploitation of their intellectual creations and prevent others from using them without permission.

However, a key issue with AI-generated content is the lack of human creativity involved. While the output may resemble a protectable work, it is not actually created by a human being, and thus, the current system does not allow for its protection under copyright law.

This poses a significant problem, as even if an algorithm like Chat GPT uses other people’s material to generate text, the resulting output cannot be protected. In other words, the end result cannot be considered an original work eligible for protection. To guide our thinking, it is important to keep in mind that ideas are NOT protected by copyright. For instance, if we ask an algorithm like ChatGPT to write a novel on a specific topic, we cannot claim authorship of the resulting piece because we only provided the idea and not the specific creative expression. Therefore, it is important to note that any output generated by ChatGPT is not eligible for protection by the user, as it is not an original work created by the user themselves.

One solution proposed is to intervene on the results generated by these algorithms in order to create an original work made by a human being. This involves modifying the raw material generated by the algorithm in a way that it becomes an original work created by a human author. The final result would be a protectable work that could be copyrighted and used by its creator in the same way as any other original work. This approach ensures that the use of algorithms like Chat GPT does not undermine the value of creativity and originality in the creation of new works.

However, there are challenges associated with this approach, including the requirement for a certain level of skill and expertise to modify the output of an algorithm like Chat GPT in a way that creates an original work. Additionally, there is a question of how to attribute the contributions of both the algorithm and the human author in the final work.

Despite these challenges, it is essential to address the issue of copyright protection for works generated by algorithms like Chat GPT. By finding ways to intervene on the results generated by these algorithms and create original works that are eligible for protection, we can ensure that creativity and originality remain at the forefront of the creation of new works in the digital age.


In conclusion, the use of AI-generated content raises important questions about intellectual property rights. The lack of human creativity involved in the output of AI tools presents a challenge for copyright protection. To address this issue, it must be taken into consideration the intervention on the results generated by these algorithms to create original works that are eligible for protection under copyright law. This approach ensures that the value of creativity and originality remains central to the creation of new works in the digital age. Despite challenges associated with this approach, it is crucial to address the issue of copyright protection for works generated by algorithms like Chat GPT.

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