Associate Partner

Rubén completed his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Law and Business Administration from the University Carlos III in Madrid, Spain. During his tenure as a Tax Consultant at PwC, he pursued a master’s degree in Corporate Law and Tax from IE-Instituto de Empresa, where he achieved academic excellence and was honored for having the Best Academic Record in his section. Additionally, Rubén secured the First Prize in the Legal and Tax Article Competition with his paper titled “Fiscal Consolidation and Freedom of Establishment in the European Union” at Instituto de Empresa – PricewaterhouseCoopers in July 2009.

After completing his master’s degree in international and European Law at the University of Geneva, Rubén developed a keen interest in Intellectual Property. As a result, he decided to further explore this field and enhance his knowledge. Currently, Rubén serves as a faculty member at IMSG, where he teaches courses on Intellectual Property, Management of Risks, and Swiss Corporate and Private Law. Rubén is also a member of the Toledo (Spain) and Geneva (Switzerland) bars.
Apart from his association with Cosmovici Intellectual Property, Ruben has been offering consultancy services to international organizations, states, and NGOs in Geneva since 2011. Over the years, he has gained extensive experience managing various local and international business and legal projects, which have necessitated his legal, communication, risk management, negotiation, and leadership skills.

Interests & Passions: Public speaking, debating, swimming, and hiking.

Specialized in
Business Methods and Ideas
Phone: +40318281130
Fax: +40372875543


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