Senior Associate / LL.M.

Raluca joined Cosmovici Intellectual Property team in 2014, and added tremendous value to the company with her brilliant communication, consultancy, and negotiation skills. She is fluent in English.

After completing the Faculty of Law within the Bucharest University, Raluca specialised in Business Law, attending master degree courses in this field.
Dealing with contracts, negotiations and business strategies relating to intellectual property rights, trademarks, copyrights and domain names is one of the most important tasks handled by Raluca with passion and utmost responsibility. Raluca also ensures sound representation in court and before the board of appeals of various IP bodies.

During all these years, Raluca has extended her practice activity in the entire IP field. Recently, she has moderated different workshops dedicated to students in different academic programmes in association with a Romanian prestigious university.

Interests & Passions: Among others, Raluca is passionate about arts, history, travel and sports. She loves mountain trekking and mountain running. Also, she likes to explore and experience local cultures, places, people, customs and traditions.

Specialized in
Personal Data Protection
Business Methods and Ideas
Phone: +40318281130
Fax: +40372875543
E-mail: office@cosmovici-ip.com


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