Of Counsel - US Patent Attorney Partner

Jerry is an experienced US Patent Attorney licensed to practice in the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Jerry received a Juris Doctor degree from American University, Washington College of Law in 2011, a Ph.D. degree in Physics from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 2002, and a Bachelor degree in Physics from University of Bucharest, Romania in 1993. He is a member of the New Jersey Bar and the US Patent and Trademark Office patent bar.

Jerry has experience in a broad range of Intellectual Property fields and related matters: Patents, Trademarks, IP Licensing, IP Portfolio Management, Copyrights, Litigation, etc. He was involved in all aspects of patent prosecution in USPTO, WIPO, EPO, China, Korea, Japan etc. Jerry has experience in all aspects of obtaining and prosecuting US patents: drafting and filing patent applications, claim amendments, response to office actions (arguments traversing rejections under § 101, §102, § 103, §112, etc.), examiner interviews, patent assignments, working with inventors, handling inventorship issues. Jerry has prosecuted patent applications in a wide range of fields: medical and biotechnology devices, information technology, software, physics, wireless technology, electronic devices, mechanical devices, materials, chemistry, semiconductors, materials, etc.

Over the last 7 years, Jerry has managed all intellectual property matters for Surgibox Inc. (a dynamic spin-off from Harvard and MIT Universities). He also has managed the physical sciences IP portfolio of several Universities (e.g. George Washington University, University of Maryland). Jerry started his patent law career as Associate in the patent law firms Sughrue Mion PLLC. Prior to becoming a patent attorney, Jerry worked as a physicist for prestigious organizations such as General Electric Global Research Center (GE-GRC), Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), and the Institute for Ultrafast Spectroscopy & Lasers.

Jerry has authored scientific articles in prestigious physics and technology journals and has participated to numerous science conferences. He has also authored articles in law journals and participated to numerous intellectual property and entrepreneurship conferences. Jerry is the co-inventor of several invention patents. While at General Electric he co-invented two patents with high commercial potential.

Interests & Passions: entrepreneurship, social issues, hiking.

Specialized in
Phone: +40318281130
Fax: +40372875543


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