Associate / Lic.Iur.

Emanuel graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, with a special focus on private law, commercial and IP law. He has been a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2019.
He joined the Cosmovici Intellectual Property team in 2017, after having gained legal experience within a reputable law firm.

At Cosmovici Intellectual Property, he drafts strategies and assists clients in relation with trademark and industrial design applications, as well as any related IP matters, such as identifying IP rights infringement, mediating disputes, and negotiating settlements. Moreover, he handles court cases, by drafting any procedural documents and representing clients in court.

Reliable, ambitious, and detail-oriented, Emanuel excels at providing outstanding legal consultancy, always demonstrating his strong work ethic through efficiency, constant development and loyalty.

Interests & Passions: When it comes to his spare time, Emanuel enjoys traveling, photo shooting landscapes and retro cars.

Specialized in
Domain Names
Phone: +40318281130
Fax: +40372875543
E-mail: office@cosmovici-ip.com


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