Executive Administration Manager / Legal Department LL.M.

Diana serves as the key person at our company, bringing with her a strong educational background and on-site experience. She holds a degree from the Faculty of Law at the University of Bucharest and has furthered her expertise with an LL.M in Banking and Insurance. From 2023 she is certified as Romanian trademark counselor by successfully passing the official exams.

Within her role at Cosmovici Intellectual Property, Diana takes on paramount responsibilities to enhance the efficiency of our office operations and intellectual property portfolios management. She is responsible for managing IP portfolios and providing essential administrative support. Her focus is on keeping all IP assets accurate from an admin point of view and on streamlining workflow procedures within the office to enhance efficiency. Additionally, Diana plays a pivotal role in assisting her colleagues by aiding in the planning and distribution of information, contributing to the overall smooth functioning of the team.

Interests & Passions: reading, collecting stamps and old money.

Specialized in
Phone: +40318281130
Fax: +40372875543
E-mail: office@cosmovici-ip.com


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