Junior Associate / LL.M.

Darius joined our team in 2021, after having worked as a Legal Advisor in a major Oil & Gas company in Austria and as a Financial Legal Adviser in one of the Big 4 consultancy firms.

Darius holds a bachelor’s degree in Law with emphasis on M&A law. He also has a LL.M. degree in European Business Law from one of Europe’s top University in Lund, Sweden. His Master Thesis tackled the legal and technological issues of Dispute resolution, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.

After gaining a fair amount of experience in different commercial law sectors, Darius has decided to focus his full attention on intellectual property. At Cosmovici Intellectual Property he provides legal and administrative support with respect to the filing of trademarks, multiple patent proceedings like prosecution, validation, maintenance as well as he is a great strategist.

Darius is an easily adaptable, quick learner, passionate worker and result-oriented individual who fully supports our business here and also our diverse clients’ needs. We value his work experience as well as his presence in our team.

Interests & Passions: Journeying, skiing, gaming and playing basketball all of them while listening to music.

Specialized in
Phone: +40318281130
Fax: +40372875543
E-mail: office@cosmovici-ip.com


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