Associate / LL.M.

Andreea joined our team in July 2021, with previous extensive legal experience in the pharmaceutical field, after working over 5 years as an in-house IP counselor for a well-known pharma company. Prior to joining, she worked as an IP advisor in a boutique IP law firm, for almost 3 years.

She regularly advises clients on matters concerning trademarks, representing clients in various national and European Intellectual Property cases, such as the prosecution of trademark portfolios, oppositions, cease and desist letters along with additional negotiations.

Andreea is a consummate professional, who approaches her tasks diligently and proactively, always with the clients’ best interest in mind.

Andreea’s professional training includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Law and also a Master’s Degree in European Union Law. Andreea is a member of the Bucharest College of Legal Advisors, and she is also a Trademark IP counselor.

Interests & Passions: She is a devoted mother of twins and likes to spend time outdoors as much as possible. Traveling is also one of her passions.

Specialized in
Domain Names
Phone: +40318281130
Fax: +40372875543


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