SMEs hate when it comes to IP



The giants Tesla, Google, Amazon were also small enterprises at the very beginning, but with the help of a highly developed entrepreneurial sense they managed to transform into some of the largest and most important businesses in the entire globe. But what these businesses have in common is that they all started at some point. Each business has thus protected its identity, so their brands are currently worth huge amounts.

Good to know!

What small businesses need to consider is to protect the business as quickly as possible, thus capitalizing on advantages related to marketing strategies, especially financial advantages. SMEs must invest time and money in the whole trademark registration process, and their biggest mistake is to ignore this vital aspect and resort to various free and cheap methods. In other words, these businesses do nothing but adopt a wrong strategy from the start, which brings serious repercussions. What can be a saving of $ 500 or $ 1,000 today, is why a business closes in a few years. Therefore, it is better to invest a ridiculous amount today compared to the very large amounts you could pay to save your business.

What should I know?

Before embarking on the path of entrepreneurs, you should read a few rules so that you get rid of problems in the future. First of all, you have to take into account the degree of descriptiveness of the chosen brand. Thus, the more descriptive the chosen name, the less likely you are to get the brand. Even if you are the person who invented the brand name and visually created the brand, you must register it as a trademark in order to protect it and to collect cash damages in the event of any infringement. The same principle applies if you want your name to be included in the business name. Even these are considered too descriptive and can be automatically rejected by offices.

An extremely important thing to mention is the fact that it is not enough to protect your brand in a certain area, and your business to have a market in other areas. In other words, if you have registered your trademark in Switzerland, and you want to expand your sales market in the USA, it is imperative to register the trademark at that office as well, thus decreasing the chances of fighting a possible infringement. Last but not least, if you have registered your trademark in a certain way and order, use it as such! You can recover your lost profits in a possible process much faster and more efficiently.

To conclude, ensure your success by following a few simple rules: Avoid a descriptive mark, you may not be able to get a record of it at all. Your brand must be constantly maintained, and this process is done by renewing and updating it according to the needs arising or maintained until then. Depending on the market, make sure your brand is protected in every area. You certainly do not want in a certain country to no longer be able to enjoy a safe use of the brand!

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