IP theft from China or just bare allegations


The war between US and China seems to be everlasting. Both use every opportunity, no matter the field, to place doubt on the opposite side.

In this respect, the IP industry can be served as example. The billions it generates are a solid reason to try to protect your intellectual property by any means. Lately, one in five US companies claim that China has stolen their intellectual property assets within the last year. This can be translated in big financial losses for many American corporations.

Although IP theft may seem something abstract in comparison to taking someone’s physical property, its’ consequences are very real. A company facing this situation can lose either many opportunities or its competitive advantage, both providing effective proven ways to make big money. For instance, US reported annual losses to China that are estimated at between $225 and $600 billion.

It is somehow uncertain if this thefts have occurred. Some of the reported methods through which the IP theft can be obtained are corporate espionage and cyberattacks. Also, another effective method is the forced technology transfers, in which Chinese government compels companies investing in their country to provide IP details and licenses.

At this moment, between the American administration and China discussions are being held in the matter of trade, which also covers the IP area where the theft issue popped-up. For now is uncertain if any progress has been made.

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