China strengthens its IP field by reaching new records


Statistics show that the year 2017 saw a record global growth in demand for services in the field of intellectual property. This growth is strongly supported by the Chinese market, which recorded the largest increases in patent, trademark, industrial design and other intellectual property rights underlying the global economy.

China’s status, as one of the countries with the fastest-growing economys in the world, is the key factor for this growth. Representing an favourable environment to the development of new businesses for both locals and foreigners, it has managed to draw a record number of patent applications. Becauseevery business must be protected against competition and any other type of threat.

WIPO’s representatives show that demand for intellectual property rights protection is increasing much faster than thegrowthof the global economy. In this respect, China serves as a point of reference. In the past decades, it has managed to build an IP system that is strongly supported by local innovations, and to join industry leaders. Thus, it has become the world leader in intellectual property applications. In 2017, 12.39 million trademark applications have been filed around the world, out of which 5.7 million were registered in China. The second place was taken by the US, with 613,000 applications.

Statistics show that the year 2017 saw a record global growth in demand for services in the field of intellectual property. This growth is strongly supported by the Chinese market, which recorded the largest increases in patent, trademark, industrial design and other intellectual property rights underlying the global economy.

China’s status, as one of the countries with the fastest-growing economys in the world, is the key factor for this growth. Representing an favourable environment to the development of new businesses for both locals and foreigners, it has managed to draw a record number of patent applications. Becauseevery business must be protected against competition and any other type of threat.

WIPO’s representatives show that demand for intellectual property rights protection is increasing much faster than thegrowthof the global economy. In this respect, China serves as a point of reference. In the past decades, it has managed to build an IP system that is strongly supported by local innovations, and to join industry leaders. Thus, it has become the world leader in intellectual property applications. In 2017, 12.39 million trademark applications have been filed around the world, out of which 5.7 million were registered in China. The second place was taken by the US, with 613,000 applications.

Statistics show that the year 2017 saw a record global growth in demand for services in the field of intellectual property. This growth is strongly supported by the Chinese market, which recorded the largest increases in patent, trademark, industrial design and other intellectual property rights underlying the global economy.

China’s status, as one of the countries with the fastest-growing economys in the world, is the key factor for this growth. Representing an favourable environment to the development of new businesses for both locals and foreigners, it has managed to draw a record number of patent applications. Becauseevery business must be protected against competition and any other type of threat.

WIPO’s representatives show that demand for intellectual property rights protection is increasing much faster than thegrowthof the global economy. In this respect, China serves as a point of reference. In the past decades, it has managed to build an IP system that is strongly supported by local innovations, and to join industry leaders. Thus, it has become the world leader in intellectual property applications. In 2017, 12.39 million trademark applications have been filed around the world, out of which 5.7 million were registered in China. The second place was taken by the US, with 613,000 applications.

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