8 things to know to keep your TM ”alive”


The life of your brand does not stop at its deposit. On the contrary, it’s just the beginning …

Report a change or mistake

Has your contact information, company name or legal form changed? You notice an error concerning the owner of the mark? You can report these corrections to the IP office you applied for registration.

Transmit or exploit your brand

Whatever the exploitation that you make of it (sale, hiring, contribution in company …), any act which affects the life of your trademark must be registered on the national register of the trademarks in order to make it public and thus “opposable to third parties “.

Renew your brand

Your brand can be protected indefinitely if you renew it every 10 years.

When you decide to remove your trademark

If you wish to relinquish part or all of your brand, according to your interests and needs, you must inform the IP Office where your trademark is registered.

Protect yourself abroad

The protection granted by a registered trademark to a national IP Office is only valid on a specific territory. For example, if you register your trademark at INPI it will be protected only in France.

Any person or company who wishes to export his products and/or services, possibly through foreign partners, must extend his protection to other countries.

Monitor your brand

Once your trademark is registered, make sure no one uses or imitates it for identical or similar products.

Oppose the registration of a trademark

Defend your trademark by opposing new brands that could be registered and that would emulate you. If you believe that a new trademark infringes your rights, you can oppose its registration with the IP Office where you registered your trademark, which can be a national or an international one.

Protect and act against counterfeiters

To guard against possible counterfeiters, there are essential reflexes to adopt.

Faced with a counterfeit, do not hesitate to defend yourself.

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